Parking in the city center is fairly cheap but very complicated, and the closer you are to the central zone, the tougher it gets. Sometimes you’ll need to circle around downtown streets up to half an hour in order to find a parking spot. A bit further from the city center, the situation is better though in some places the parking zones have been extended.

Parking Zones

Belgrade parking zones

Belgrade parking zones – click to expand


  • Max time allowed: 1h
  • SMS payment: your license plate number at 9111


  • Max time allowed: 2h
  • SMS payment: your license plate number at 9112


  • Max time allowed: 3h
  • SMS payment: your license plate number at 9113

Payment can be made through four different mehtods – parking tickets, ‘parkomats’, SMS messages and electornic tickets (from parking attendants). More info about parking payment at Parking Servis.

Downtown Garage locations map

Find the searchable map at Parking Servis


‘PARK AND CYCLE’ is a service, which offers a possibility to any driver – user of our standard parking service to take bicycle for the regular price of parking ticket, without any additional charge.


Every day from 09.00 am to 09.00 pm you can park your car at following car parks and take a bike instead:

  • „Obilićev venac”
  • „Sava Centar”
  • „Ada Ciganlija”
  • „Milan Gale Muškatirović”

Rent a private parking lot with Lako Parkiraj app

If you prefer a more flexible schedule in a garage, you can rent a parking lot with Lako Parkiraj (Park Easy) app.

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